- The small writing may reflect the shy, inhibited child, and the larger, a survivor who creates her path while overcoming obstacles.
- A low `t` bar indicates low self-esteem, if the second part of the `m` or the second `ll` is higher than the first part, that indicates self-consciousness.
- Large initial capitals show someone who does not allow others to boss him/her around.
- Right slant indicates a response to communication, but not how it takes place. For example, the writer may wish to be friendly, manipulative, responsive, intrusive, to sell, to control, to be loving, supportive, just to name some possibilities.
- If the handwriting is generally upright, this indicates independence.
- A left slant tendency shows emotion and reserve. This writer needs to be true to self first and foremost and can be resentful if others try to push for more commitment from them.
- Large size handwriting can mean extravert and outgoing, or it can mean that the writer puts on an act of confidence, although this behaviour might not be exhibited to strangers.
- Small size can, logically, mean the opposite. Small size handwriting can also indicate a thinker and an academic, depending upon other features in the script.
- If the writing is small and delicate, the writer is unlikely to be a good communicator with anyone other than those on their own particular wavelength. These people do not generally find it easy to break new ground socially.
- Heavy pressure indicates commitment and taking things seriously, but if the pressure is excessively heavy, that writer gets very uptight at times and can react quickly to what they might see as criticism, even though none may have been intended. These writers react first and ask questions afterwards.
- Light pressure shows sensitivity to atmosphere and empathy to people, but can also, if the pressure is uneven, show lack of vitality.
In detail @ http://www.businessballs.com/graphologyhandwritinganalysis.htm