Thursday, January 11, 2007


Have you ever wokeup after a nice dream and felt restless, desperately wanting the dream to come true, that too immediately? It happens with me again and again. There are few things in life that come, stay with you for sometime making your life beautiful and then go away. Thats the way of life, i guess. I indulgued myself into painting, yoga, playing shettel and reading Geeta and kept myself busy to counter the flow of emotions that began with a dream couple of days back.BTw the painting in this picture is being done by ME:) I am oil painting for the first time so i might take another 2 weeks to finish it.

Good news is i am fighting my wrost fears these days. One of it is a stage fear(public speaking). I am told to do MC/ achoring for the Ladies Meet this month. Our Theme is i got to be more lively..hmm...lets c :( :)

Wish me luck guys

Going aboard is no more COOL

About two decades ago , over 80% of IITians hopped on to a plane for foreign Destinations.The brains that used to be siphoned off by developed nations are now preferring to stay back home.

In IIT Bombay, 95% of the students got placed in india last year.
In IIT Kanpur, of 270 Btech grads, only 3 went aboard.
And of 267 Mtechs, None.
Only 34 Holding a dual degree chose to go overseas.
In IIT Madras only two students from the Btech batch went out to join lehman Brothers in Tokyo.
All IIT Guwahati grads were placed in India. IIT Kharangpur does not allow foreign companies on campus.

No Milk

Black is better. No, I amn't referring to the color Black. I am referring to the Black Tea. Tests showed that while tea
helped improve blood flow by increasing the ability of arties to relax and expand by producing nitric oxide which promotes
the dilaion of blood vessels, milk completely counteracts the effect.Milk proteins interacted with the tea to decrease the concentration of antioxidants which protect against heart disease.So, for your heart's sake please skip the milk from your tea.