Thursday, December 18, 2008

Register for Vote online - Its simple and Quick

Tomorrow is the last day to register as voters. Please read the attached document to know three easy ways to register as a voter. Log onto for more details about the various campaigns taken up to educate/ sensitize the professionals across Hyderabad. Hurry up- do not lose any time.

Let’s do our bit to build our country, our society, and our community, by registering for vote, and casting our vote, and be proud to have contributed to our nation-building by making our voice heard.
India, the world’s largest democracy, has scope to hold the flag higher, provided most of the citizens, that is, us, cast their vote. We, the educated citizens of the country believe in the power of voting to drive extraordinary social and economic change. There is a great potential for people to use their vote to improve their livelihoods, but it must be properly harnessed – incorporated into each community’s social, cultural, historic, economic and political context.
Human development is about people: their desire and struggle to uphold their dignity, expand their freedoms and lead lives that they value. In this quest, choosing the right team to lead plays a key role; people work to earn their livelihood, improve their lifestyle and infrastructure, ensure safety and security, create relevant future-oriented institutions and governance in the complex circumstances that poverty, alienation, and voicelessness create.
Given this backdrop, “Let’s Vote” initiative is being launched to help the citizens of our resource-rich nation to find their voice, exercise their right, thus enabling them access the resources that contribute to positive development outcomes. Several likeminded professionals and corporate leaders have come together to get this initiative kick start and cascade across various organizations.